Module ki.types

Types for ki.

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Types for ki."""
import json
import sqlite3
import textwrap
import dataclasses
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from dataclasses import dataclass

import git
import whatthepatch
from anki.decks import DeckTreeNode
from anki.collection import Note, Card

from beartype import beartype
from beartype.typing import List, Dict, Any, Optional, Union

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines, missing-class-docstring, too-many-instance-attributes

NotetypeDict = Dict[str, Any]
MODELS_FILE = "models.json"
HINT = (
    "hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind\n"
    + "hint: the Anki remote collection. Integrate the remote changes (e.g.\n"
    + "hint: 'ki pull ...') before pushing again."
DATABASE_LOCKED_MSG = "database is locked"
DeckId = int


class File(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that file *was* extant when it was resolved."""

class Dir(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that dir *was* extant when it was resolved."""

class EmptyDir(Dir):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that dir *was* empty (and extant) when it was resolved."""

class NoPath(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that path *was not* extant when it was resolved."""

class Singleton(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: A path consisting of a single component (e.g. `file`, not `dir/file`)."""

class PseudoFile(type(Path())):
    UNSAFE: Indicates that path was extant but weird (e.g. a device or socket)
    when it was resolved.

class Link(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that this path was a symlink when tested."""

class NoFile(NoPath):
    """A nonexistent file in an extant directory."""

    def parent(self):
        return Dir(super().parent)


class GitChangeType(Enum):
    """Enum for git file change types."""

    ADDED = "A"
    DELETED = "D"
    RENAMED = "R"
    MODIFIED = "M"

class PushResult(Enum):
    """Enum for `push()` return codes."""



class Patch:
    """Relative paths and a Diff object."""

    a: Path
    b: Path
    diff: whatthepatch.patch.diffobj

class DeckNote:
    """Flat (as possible) representation of a note, but with deck."""

    title: str
    guid: str
    deck: str
    model: str
    tags: List[str]
    fields: Dict[str, str]

class NoteMetadata:
    """The nid, mod, and mid of a note."""

    nid: int
    mod: int
    mid: int

class Delta:
    The git delta for a single file.

    We don't instead store a root and a relative path, because we need the
    `File` object to avoid making unnecessary syscalls to check that stuff

    status: GitChangeType
    path: File
    relpath: Path

class KiRepo:
    UNSAFE: A ki repository, including:
    - .ki/hashes
    - .ki/config

    Existence of collection path is guaranteed.

    # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    repo: git.Repo
    root: Dir
    ki: Dir
    col_file: File
    backups_dir: Dir
    config_file: File
    hashes_file: File
    models_file: File

class Field:
    """A typechecked version of `anki.models.FieldDict` for use within ki."""

    name: str
    ord: Optional[int]

class Template:
    """A typechecked version of `anki.models.TemplateDict` for use within ki."""

    name: str
    qfmt: str
    afmt: str
    ord: Optional[int]

class Notetype:
    """A typechecked version of `anki.models.NotetypeDict` for use within ki."""

    # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    id: int
    name: str
    type: int
    flds: List[Field]
    tmpls: List[Template]
    sortf: Field

    # A copy of the `NotetypeDict` object as it was returned from the Anki
    # database. We keep this around to preserve extra keys that may not always
    # exist, but the ones above should be required for Anki to function.
    dict: Dict[str, Any]

class ColNote:
    """A note that exists in the Anki DB."""

    n: Note
    new: bool
    deck: str
    title: str
    markdown: bool
    notetype: Notetype
    sfld: str

class KiRev:
    UNSAFE: A repo-commit pair, where `sha` is guaranteed to be an extant
    commit hash of `repo`.

    kirepo: KiRepo
    sha: str

class Rev:
    UNSAFE: A repo-commit pair, where `sha` is guaranteed to be an extant
    commit hash of `repo`.

    repo: git.Repo
    sha: str

class CardFile:
    """A card written to disk, either as a link or a file."""

    card: Card
    file: File

class Deck:
    did: DeckId
    node: DeckTreeNode
    deckd: Dir
    mediad: Dir
    children: List["Deck"]
    fullname: str

class Root:
    did: DeckId
    node: DeckTreeNode
    deckd: None
    mediad: None
    children: List[Deck]
    fullname: str

class PlannedLink:
    """A not-yet-created symlink path and its extant target."""

    link: NoFile
    tgt: Union[File, Link]

class DotKi:
    config: File
    backups: EmptyDir

class Submodule:
    sm: git.Submodule
    sm_repo: git.Repo
    rel_root: Path
    branch: str

class MediaBytes:
    """A media file, its old bytes (from collection) and new bytes (from file)."""

    file: File
    old: bytes
    new: bytes

class AddedMedia:
    """An added media file and its (possibly changed) filename."""

    file: File
    new_name: str

class NoteDBRow:
    nid: int
    guid: str
    mid: int
    mod: int
    usn: int
    tags: str
    flds: str
    sfld: Union[str, int]
    csum: int
    flags: int
    data: str

def notetype_json(notetype: Notetype) -> str:
    """Return the JSON for a notetype as a string."""
    dictionary: Dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.asdict(notetype)
    inner = dictionary["dict"]
    dictionary["dict"] = inner
    return json.dumps(dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

def nt_str(notetype: Notetype) -> str:
    """Display a notetype and its JSON."""
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    s = notetype_json(notetype)
    return f"JSON for '{}':\n{s}"


def errwrap(msg: str) -> str:
    """Wrap an error message to a fixed width."""
    out: str = textwrap.fill(textwrap.dedent(msg), width=ERROR_MESSAGE_WIDTH)
    out = out.lstrip()
    out = out.rstrip()
    return out

class MissingFileError(FileNotFoundError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        header = f"File not found: '{path}'"
        msg = f"{info.rstrip()}"

class MissingDirectoryError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = f"Directory not found: '{path}'{info.rstrip()}"

class ExpectedFileButGotDirectoryError(FileNotFoundError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = "A file was expected at this location, but got a directory: "
        msg += f"'{path}'{info.rstrip()}"

class ExpectedDirectoryButGotFileError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = "A directory was expected at this location, but got a file: "
        msg += f"'{path}'{info.rstrip()}"

class ExpectedEmptyDirectoryButGotNonEmptyDirectoryError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = "An empty directory was expected at this location, but it is nonempty: "
        msg += f"'{path}'{info.rstrip()}"

class StrangeExtantPathError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = "A normal file or directory was expected, but got a weird pseudofile "
        msg += "(e.g. a socket, or a device): "
        msg += f"'{path}'{info.rstrip()}"

class ExpectedNonexistentPathError(FileExistsError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        top = f"""
        Expected this path not to exist, but it does: '{path}'{info.rstrip()}
        msg = """
        If the path is to the `.ki/` metadata directory, this error may have
        been caused by a `.gitignore` file that does not include `.ki/` (this
        metadata should not be tracked by git). Check if this pattern is
        included in the `.gitignore` file, and if it is not included, try
        adding it.

class NotKiRepoError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self):
        msg = "fatal: not a ki repository (or any parent up to mount point /)\n"
        msg += "Stopping at filesystem boundary."

class UpdatesRejectedError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, col_file: File):
        msg = f"Failed to push some commits to '{col_file}'\n{HINT}"

class TargetExistsError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, target: Path):
        msg = f"fatal: destination path '{target}' already exists and is "
        msg += "not an empty directory."

class GitRefNotFoundError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, repo: git.Repo, sha: str):
        msg = f"Repo at '{repo.working_dir}' doesn't contain rev '{sha}'"

class GitHeadRefNotFoundError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, repo: git.Repo, error: Exception):
        msg = f"""
        ValueError raised while trying to get rev 'HEAD' from repo at
        '{repo.working_dir}': '{error}'. This may have occurred because there
        are no commits in the current repository. However, this should never be
        the case, because ki repositories must be instantiated with a 'ki clone
        <collection>' command, and this command creates an initial commit.

class CollectionChecksumError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, col_file: File):
        msg = f"Checksum mismatch on {col_file}. Was file changed?"

class MissingNotetypeError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, model: str):
        msg = f"""
        Notetype '{model}' doesn't exist. Create it in Anki before adding notes
        via ki. This may be caused by a corrupted '{MODELS_FILE}' file. The
        models file must contain definitions for all models that appear in all
        note files.

# TODO: We should also print which field ordinals *are* valid.
class MissingFieldOrdinalError(RuntimeError):
    # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

    def __init__(self, ord: int, model: str):
        msg = f"Field with ordinal {ord} missing from notetype '{model}'."

class MissingNoteIdError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, nid: int):
        msg = f"Failed to locate note with nid '{nid}' in Anki database."

class NotetypeMismatchError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, decknote: DeckNote, new_notetype: Notetype):
        msg = f"Notetype '{decknote.model}' "
        msg += f"specified in DeckNote with GUID '{decknote.guid}' "
        msg += f"does not match passed notetype '{new_notetype}'. "
        msg += "This should NEVER happen, "
        msg += "and indicates a bug in the caller to 'update_note()'."

class NotetypeKeyError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, key: str, name: str):
        msg = f"""
        Expected key {key} not found in notetype '{name}' parsed from a
        '{MODELS_FILE}' file in the current repository (may be contained in a

class NoteFieldKeyError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, key: str, nid: int):
        msg = f"""
        Expected field {key} not found in note '{nid}'. This should *never*
        happen, and indicates a serious failure, since we only ever index
        `anki.notes.Note` objects on names pulled from their own notetype

class UnnamedNotetypeError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, nt: NotetypeDict):
        msg = f"""
        Failed to find 'name' field for a notetype while parsing
        a '{MODELS_FILE}' file in the current repository (may be
        contained in a subdirectory):
        super().__init__(errwrap(msg) + "\n" + str(nt))

class SQLiteLockError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, col_file: File, err: sqlite3.DatabaseError):
        if str(err) == DATABASE_LOCKED_MSG:
            header = f"fatal: {DATABASE_LOCKED_MSG} (Anki must not be running)."
        header = "Unexpected SQLite3 error while attempting to acquire lock on file: "
        header += f"'{col_file}':"
        msg = f"""
        A 'sqlite3.DatabaseError' was raised with error message: '{str(err)}'.
        This may indicate that either the database file at the location
        specified above is corrupted, or the config file at '.ki/config' is
        pointing to the wrong location. (The latter may occur in the unlikely
        event that the collection file in the Anki data directory has been
        accidentally overwritten.)

class MissingMediaDirectoryError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, col_path: str, media_dir: Path):
        top = f"Missing or bad Anki collection media directory '{media_dir}' "
        top += f"while processing collection '{col_path}':"
        msg = """
        This should *never* happen, as Anki generates a media directory at the
        relevant location whenever a `Collection` object is instantiated.  It
        is possible that the collection's containing directory was manually
        tampered with, or an old version of Anki incompatible with ki is

class AnkiAlreadyOpenError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, msg: str):
        super().__init__(f"fatal: {msg}")

class MissingTidyExecutableError(FileNotFoundError):
    def __init__(self, err: FileNotFoundError):
        top = "Command not found: 'tidy' (Is 'html5-tidy' installed?)"
        msg = f"Original exception: {err}"

class AnkiDBNoteMissingFieldsError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, decknote: DeckNote, nid: int, key: str):
        top = f"fatal: Note with GUID '{decknote.guid}' missing DB field '{key}'"
        msg = f"""
        This is strange, should only happen if the `add_db_note()` call fails
        or behaves strangely. This may indicate a bug in ki. Please report this
        on GitHub at Note ID: '{nid}'.

class GitFileModeParseError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, file: Path, out: str):
        top = f"fatal: Failed to parse git file mode for media file '{file}'"
        msg = """
        A 'git ls-files' call is used to figure out the git file mode for
        cloned media files. This is done in order to detect symlinks on
        Windows, and follow them manually. This error is raised when we are
        unable to parse the output of 'git ls-files' for some reason or
        another, which for a symlink called 'filename', should look like this:
        example = "120000 a35bd1f49b7b9225a76d052e9a35fb711a8646a6 0       filename"
        msg2 = f"Actual unparsed git command output:\n{out}"

class NonEmptyWorkingTreeError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, repo: git.Repo):
        top = "fatal: Non-empty working tree in freshly cloned repo at "
        top += f"'{repo.working_dir}'"

        msg = """
        The working tree in a fresh clone should always be empty, and so if it
        isn't, this means that some files were either errantly generated during
        the clone process, or were not committed when they should have been.
        This may indicate a bug in ki. Please report this on GitHub at
        details = "\nUntracked files:\n"
        for untracked in repo.untracked_files:
            details += f"  * {untracked}\n"
        details += "\nChanged files:\n"
        for item in repo.index.diff(None):
            details += f"  * {item.b_path}\n"


class NoteFieldValidationWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, nid: int, field: str, notetype: Notetype):
        top = f"Warning: Bad field '{field}' for notetype '{notetype}' in note '{nid}'"
        msg = "Try correcting the field name or changing the notetype."
        msg += f"The fields for the notetype '{notetype}' are:"
        fields: List[str] = [ for field in notetype.flds]
        listing: str = "  " + "\n  ".join(fields)

class WrongFieldCountWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, decknote: DeckNote, names: List[str]):
        top = f"Warning: Wrong number of fields for model '{decknote.model}'"
        msg = f"""
        The notetype '{decknote.model}' takes '{len(names)}' fields, but got
        '{len(decknote.fields.keys())}' for note with GUID '{decknote.guid}'.

class InconsistentFieldNamesWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, x: str, y: str, decknote: DeckNote):
        top = f"Warning: Inconsistent field names ('{x}' != '{y}')"
        msg = f"""
        Expected a field '{x}' for notetype '{decknote.model}', but got a field
        '{y}' in note with GUID '{decknote.guid}'.

class DeletedFileNotFoundWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, path: Path):
        top = f"Deleted file not found in source commit: '{path}'"
        msg = """
        Unexpected: this may indicate a bug in ki. The source commit is what we
        are diffing against, and so we expect all files whose change type is
        'DELETED' to appear in a checkout of that reference. However, we return
        a 'Warning' instead of an 'Exception' in order to avoid interrupting
        the execution of a 'push()' call where it is not strictly necessary.

class DiffTargetFileNotFoundWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, path: Path):
        top = f"Diff target file not found: '{path}'"
        msg1 = """
        Unexpected: this sometimes happens when a git repository is copied into
        a subdirectory of a ki repository, and then added with 'git add'
        instead of being added as a git submodule with 'git submodule add'. If
        git displayed a warning on a recent 'git add' command, refer to the
        hints within that warning.
        msg2 = """
        Otherwise, this may indicate a bug in ki.  The caller prevents this
        warning from being instantiated unless the git change type is one of
        'ADDED', 'MODIFIED', or 'RENAMED'. In all cases, the file being diffed
        should be extant in the target commit of the repository.  However, we
        return a 'Warning' instead of an 'Exception' in order to avoid
        interrupting the execution of a 'push()' call where it is not strictly

class RenamedMediaFileWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, src: str, dst: str):
        top = f"Media file '{src}' renamed to '{dst}'"
        msg = """
        This happens when we push a media file to a collection that already
        contains another media file with the same name. In this case, Anki does
        some deduplication by renaming the new one.

class NotetypeCollisionWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, model: Notetype, existing: Notetype):
        msg = """
        Collision: new notetype '{}' has same name as existing
        notetype with mid '{}', but hashes differ.

class EmptyNoteWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, note: Note, health: int):
        top = f"Found empty note with nid '{}'"
        msg = f"""
        Anki fields health check code: '{health}'

class DuplicateNoteWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, note: Note, health: int, rep: str):
        top = "Failed to add duplicate note to collection"
        msg = f"""
        Notetype/fields of note with nid '{}' are duplicate of existing note.
        field = f"First field\n-----------\n{rep}"
        code = f"Anki fields health check code: {health}"

class UnhealthyNoteWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, note: Note, health: int):
        top = f"Note with nid '{}' failed fields check with unknown error code"
        msg = f"""
        Anki fields health check code: '{health}'

class MediaDirectoryDeckNameCollisionWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self):
        top = "Decks with name '_media' skipped as name is reserved"


def errwrap(msg: str) ‑> str

Wrap an error message to a fixed width.

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def errwrap(msg: str) -> str:
    """Wrap an error message to a fixed width."""
    out: str = textwrap.fill(textwrap.dedent(msg), width=ERROR_MESSAGE_WIDTH)
    out = out.lstrip()
    out = out.rstrip()
    return out
def notetype_json(notetype: Notetype) ‑> str

Return the JSON for a notetype as a string.

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def notetype_json(notetype: Notetype) -> str:
    """Return the JSON for a notetype as a string."""
    dictionary: Dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.asdict(notetype)
    inner = dictionary["dict"]
    dictionary["dict"] = inner
    return json.dumps(dictionary, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def nt_str(notetype: Notetype) ‑> str

Display a notetype and its JSON.

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def nt_str(notetype: Notetype) -> str:
    """Display a notetype and its JSON."""
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    s = notetype_json(notetype)
    return f"JSON for '{}':\n{s}"


class AddedMedia (file: File, new_name: str)

An added media file and its (possibly changed) filename.

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class AddedMedia:
    """An added media file and its (possibly changed) filename."""

    file: File
    new_name: str

Class variables

var fileFile
var new_name : str
class AnkiAlreadyOpenError (msg: str)

Unspecified run-time error.

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class AnkiAlreadyOpenError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, msg: str):
        super().__init__(f"fatal: {msg}")


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class AnkiDBNoteMissingFieldsError (decknote: DeckNote, nid: int, key: str)

Unspecified run-time error.

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class AnkiDBNoteMissingFieldsError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, decknote: DeckNote, nid: int, key: str):
        top = f"fatal: Note with GUID '{decknote.guid}' missing DB field '{key}'"
        msg = f"""
        This is strange, should only happen if the `add_db_note()` call fails
        or behaves strangely. This may indicate a bug in ki. Please report this
        on GitHub at Note ID: '{nid}'.


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class CardFile (card:, file: File)

A card written to disk, either as a link or a file.

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class CardFile:
    """A card written to disk, either as a link or a file."""

    card: Card
    file: File

Class variables

var card :
var fileFile
class ColNote (n: anki.notes.Note, new: bool, deck: str, title: str, markdown: bool, notetype: Notetype, sfld: str)

A note that exists in the Anki DB.

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class ColNote:
    """A note that exists in the Anki DB."""

    n: Note
    new: bool
    deck: str
    title: str
    markdown: bool
    notetype: Notetype
    sfld: str

Class variables

var deck : str
var markdown : bool
var n : anki.notes.Note
var new : bool
var notetypeNotetype
var sfld : str
var title : str
class CollectionChecksumError (col_file: File)

Unspecified run-time error.

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class CollectionChecksumError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, col_file: File):
        msg = f"Checksum mismatch on {col_file}. Was file changed?"


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Deck (did: int, node: anki.decks_pb2.DeckTreeNode, deckd: Dir, mediad: Dir, children: list['Deck'], fullname: str)

Deck(did: int, node: anki.decks_pb2.DeckTreeNode, deckd: ki.types.Dir, mediad: ki.types.Dir, children: list['Deck'], fullname: str)

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class Deck:
    did: DeckId
    node: DeckTreeNode
    deckd: Dir
    mediad: Dir
    children: List["Deck"]
    fullname: str

Class variables

var children : list['Deck']
var deckdDir
var did : int
var fullname : str
var mediadDir
var node : anki.decks_pb2.DeckTreeNode
class DeckNote (title: str, guid: str, deck: str, model: str, tags: list[str], fields: dict[str, str])

Flat (as possible) representation of a note, but with deck.

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class DeckNote:
    """Flat (as possible) representation of a note, but with deck."""

    title: str
    guid: str
    deck: str
    model: str
    tags: List[str]
    fields: Dict[str, str]

Class variables

var deck : str
var fields : dict[str, str]
var guid : str
var model : str
var tags : list[str]
var title : str
class DeletedFileNotFoundWarning (path: pathlib.Path)

Base class for warning categories.

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class DeletedFileNotFoundWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, path: Path):
        top = f"Deleted file not found in source commit: '{path}'"
        msg = """
        Unexpected: this may indicate a bug in ki. The source commit is what we
        are diffing against, and so we expect all files whose change type is
        'DELETED' to appear in a checkout of that reference. However, we return
        a 'Warning' instead of an 'Exception' in order to avoid interrupting
        the execution of a 'push()' call where it is not strictly necessary.


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Delta (status: GitChangeType, path: File, relpath: pathlib.Path)

The git delta for a single file.

We don't instead store a root and a relative path, because we need the File object to avoid making unnecessary syscalls to check that stuff exists.

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class Delta:
    The git delta for a single file.

    We don't instead store a root and a relative path, because we need the
    `File` object to avoid making unnecessary syscalls to check that stuff

    status: GitChangeType
    path: File
    relpath: Path

Class variables

var pathFile
var relpath : pathlib.Path
var statusGitChangeType
class DiffTargetFileNotFoundWarning (path: pathlib.Path)

Base class for warning categories.

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class DiffTargetFileNotFoundWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, path: Path):
        top = f"Diff target file not found: '{path}'"
        msg1 = """
        Unexpected: this sometimes happens when a git repository is copied into
        a subdirectory of a ki repository, and then added with 'git add'
        instead of being added as a git submodule with 'git submodule add'. If
        git displayed a warning on a recent 'git add' command, refer to the
        hints within that warning.
        msg2 = """
        Otherwise, this may indicate a bug in ki.  The caller prevents this
        warning from being instantiated unless the git change type is one of
        'ADDED', 'MODIFIED', or 'RENAMED'. In all cases, the file being diffed
        should be extant in the target commit of the repository.  However, we
        return a 'Warning' instead of an 'Exception' in order to avoid
        interrupting the execution of a 'push()' call where it is not strictly


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Dir (*args, **kwargs)

UNSAFE: Indicates that dir was extant when it was resolved.

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class Dir(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that dir *was* extant when it was resolved."""


  • pathlib.PosixPath
  • pathlib.Path
  • pathlib.PurePosixPath
  • pathlib.PurePath


class DotKi (config: File, backups: EmptyDir)

DotKi(config: ki.types.File, backups: ki.types.EmptyDir)

Expand source code
class DotKi:
    config: File
    backups: EmptyDir

Class variables

var backupsEmptyDir
var configFile
class DuplicateNoteWarning (note: anki.notes.Note, health: int, rep: str)

Base class for warning categories.

Expand source code
class DuplicateNoteWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, note: Note, health: int, rep: str):
        top = "Failed to add duplicate note to collection"
        msg = f"""
        Notetype/fields of note with nid '{}' are duplicate of existing note.
        field = f"First field\n-----------\n{rep}"
        code = f"Anki fields health check code: {health}"


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class EmptyDir (*args, **kwargs)

UNSAFE: Indicates that dir was empty (and extant) when it was resolved.

Expand source code
class EmptyDir(Dir):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that dir *was* empty (and extant) when it was resolved."""


  • Dir
  • pathlib.PosixPath
  • pathlib.Path
  • pathlib.PurePosixPath
  • pathlib.PurePath
class EmptyNoteWarning (note: anki.notes.Note, health: int)

Base class for warning categories.

Expand source code
class EmptyNoteWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, note: Note, health: int):
        top = f"Found empty note with nid '{}'"
        msg = f"""
        Anki fields health check code: '{health}'


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class ExpectedDirectoryButGotFileError (path: pathlib.Path, info: str = '')

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class ExpectedDirectoryButGotFileError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = "A directory was expected at this location, but got a file: "
        msg += f"'{path}'{info.rstrip()}"


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class ExpectedEmptyDirectoryButGotNonEmptyDirectoryError (path: pathlib.Path, info: str = '')

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class ExpectedEmptyDirectoryButGotNonEmptyDirectoryError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = "An empty directory was expected at this location, but it is nonempty: "
        msg += f"'{path}'{info.rstrip()}"


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class ExpectedFileButGotDirectoryError (path: pathlib.Path, info: str = '')

File not found.

Expand source code
class ExpectedFileButGotDirectoryError(FileNotFoundError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = "A file was expected at this location, but got a directory: "
        msg += f"'{path}'{info.rstrip()}"


  • builtins.FileNotFoundError
  • builtins.OSError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class ExpectedNonexistentPathError (path: pathlib.Path, info: str = '')

File already exists.

Expand source code
class ExpectedNonexistentPathError(FileExistsError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        top = f"""
        Expected this path not to exist, but it does: '{path}'{info.rstrip()}
        msg = """
        If the path is to the `.ki/` metadata directory, this error may have
        been caused by a `.gitignore` file that does not include `.ki/` (this
        metadata should not be tracked by git). Check if this pattern is
        included in the `.gitignore` file, and if it is not included, try
        adding it.


  • builtins.FileExistsError
  • builtins.OSError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Field (name: str, ord: Optional[int])

A typechecked version of anki.models.FieldDict for use within ki.

Expand source code
class Field:
    """A typechecked version of `anki.models.FieldDict` for use within ki."""

    name: str
    ord: Optional[int]

Class variables

var name : str
var ord : Optional[int]
class File (*args, **kwargs)

UNSAFE: Indicates that file was extant when it was resolved.

Expand source code
class File(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that file *was* extant when it was resolved."""


  • pathlib.PosixPath
  • pathlib.Path
  • pathlib.PurePosixPath
  • pathlib.PurePath
class GitChangeType (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Enum for git file change types.

Expand source code
class GitChangeType(Enum):
    """Enum for git file change types."""

    ADDED = "A"
    DELETED = "D"
    RENAMED = "R"
    MODIFIED = "M"


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

class GitFileModeParseError (file: pathlib.Path, out: str)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class GitFileModeParseError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, file: Path, out: str):
        top = f"fatal: Failed to parse git file mode for media file '{file}'"
        msg = """
        A 'git ls-files' call is used to figure out the git file mode for
        cloned media files. This is done in order to detect symlinks on
        Windows, and follow them manually. This error is raised when we are
        unable to parse the output of 'git ls-files' for some reason or
        another, which for a symlink called 'filename', should look like this:
        example = "120000 a35bd1f49b7b9225a76d052e9a35fb711a8646a6 0       filename"
        msg2 = f"Actual unparsed git command output:\n{out}"


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class GitHeadRefNotFoundError (repo: git.repo.base.Repo, error: Exception)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class GitHeadRefNotFoundError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, repo: git.Repo, error: Exception):
        msg = f"""
        ValueError raised while trying to get rev 'HEAD' from repo at
        '{repo.working_dir}': '{error}'. This may have occurred because there
        are no commits in the current repository. However, this should never be
        the case, because ki repositories must be instantiated with a 'ki clone
        <collection>' command, and this command creates an initial commit.


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class GitRefNotFoundError (repo: git.repo.base.Repo, sha: str)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class GitRefNotFoundError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, repo: git.Repo, sha: str):
        msg = f"Repo at '{repo.working_dir}' doesn't contain rev '{sha}'"


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class InconsistentFieldNamesWarning (x: str, y: str, decknote: DeckNote)

Base class for warning categories.

Expand source code
class InconsistentFieldNamesWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, x: str, y: str, decknote: DeckNote):
        top = f"Warning: Inconsistent field names ('{x}' != '{y}')"
        msg = f"""
        Expected a field '{x}' for notetype '{decknote.model}', but got a field
        '{y}' in note with GUID '{decknote.guid}'.


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class KiRepo (repo: git.repo.base.Repo, root: Dir, ki: Dir, col_file: File, backups_dir: Dir, config_file: File, hashes_file: File, models_file: File)

UNSAFE: A ki repository, including: - .ki/hashes - .ki/config

Existence of collection path is guaranteed.

Expand source code
class KiRepo:
    UNSAFE: A ki repository, including:
    - .ki/hashes
    - .ki/config

    Existence of collection path is guaranteed.

    # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    repo: git.Repo
    root: Dir
    ki: Dir
    col_file: File
    backups_dir: Dir
    config_file: File
    hashes_file: File
    models_file: File

Class variables

var backups_dirDir
var col_fileFile
var config_fileFile
var hashes_fileFile
var kiDir
var models_fileFile
var repo : git.repo.base.Repo
var rootDir
class KiRev (kirepo: KiRepo, sha: str)

UNSAFE: A repo-commit pair, where sha is guaranteed to be an extant commit hash of repo.

Expand source code
class KiRev:
    UNSAFE: A repo-commit pair, where `sha` is guaranteed to be an extant
    commit hash of `repo`.

    kirepo: KiRepo
    sha: str

Class variables

var kirepoKiRepo
var sha : str

UNSAFE: Indicates that this path was a symlink when tested.

Expand source code
class Link(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that this path was a symlink when tested."""


  • pathlib.PosixPath
  • pathlib.Path
  • pathlib.PurePosixPath
  • pathlib.PurePath
class MediaBytes (file: File, old: bytes, new: bytes)

A media file, its old bytes (from collection) and new bytes (from file).

Expand source code
class MediaBytes:
    """A media file, its old bytes (from collection) and new bytes (from file)."""

    file: File
    old: bytes
    new: bytes

Class variables

var fileFile
var new : bytes
var old : bytes
class MediaDirectoryDeckNameCollisionWarning

Base class for warning categories.

Expand source code
class MediaDirectoryDeckNameCollisionWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self):
        top = "Decks with name '_media' skipped as name is reserved"


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class MissingDirectoryError (path: pathlib.Path, info: str = '')

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class MissingDirectoryError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = f"Directory not found: '{path}'{info.rstrip()}"


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class MissingFieldOrdinalError (ord: int, model: str)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class MissingFieldOrdinalError(RuntimeError):
    # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin

    def __init__(self, ord: int, model: str):
        msg = f"Field with ordinal {ord} missing from notetype '{model}'."


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class MissingFileError (path: pathlib.Path, info: str = '')

File not found.

Expand source code
class MissingFileError(FileNotFoundError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        header = f"File not found: '{path}'"
        msg = f"{info.rstrip()}"


  • builtins.FileNotFoundError
  • builtins.OSError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class MissingMediaDirectoryError (col_path: str, media_dir: pathlib.Path)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class MissingMediaDirectoryError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, col_path: str, media_dir: Path):
        top = f"Missing or bad Anki collection media directory '{media_dir}' "
        top += f"while processing collection '{col_path}':"
        msg = """
        This should *never* happen, as Anki generates a media directory at the
        relevant location whenever a `Collection` object is instantiated.  It
        is possible that the collection's containing directory was manually
        tampered with, or an old version of Anki incompatible with ki is


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class MissingNoteIdError (nid: int)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class MissingNoteIdError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, nid: int):
        msg = f"Failed to locate note with nid '{nid}' in Anki database."


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class MissingNotetypeError (model: str)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class MissingNotetypeError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, model: str):
        msg = f"""
        Notetype '{model}' doesn't exist. Create it in Anki before adding notes
        via ki. This may be caused by a corrupted '{MODELS_FILE}' file. The
        models file must contain definitions for all models that appear in all
        note files.


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class MissingTidyExecutableError (err: FileNotFoundError)

File not found.

Expand source code
class MissingTidyExecutableError(FileNotFoundError):
    def __init__(self, err: FileNotFoundError):
        top = "Command not found: 'tidy' (Is 'html5-tidy' installed?)"
        msg = f"Original exception: {err}"


  • builtins.FileNotFoundError
  • builtins.OSError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class NoFile (*args, **kwargs)

A nonexistent file in an extant directory.

Expand source code
class NoFile(NoPath):
    """A nonexistent file in an extant directory."""

    def parent(self):
        return Dir(super().parent)


  • NoPath
  • pathlib.PosixPath
  • pathlib.Path
  • pathlib.PurePosixPath
  • pathlib.PurePath

Instance variables

var parent

The logical parent of the path.

Expand source code
def parent(self):
    return Dir(super().parent)
class NoPath (*args, **kwargs)

UNSAFE: Indicates that path was not extant when it was resolved.

Expand source code
class NoPath(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: Indicates that path *was not* extant when it was resolved."""


  • pathlib.PosixPath
  • pathlib.Path
  • pathlib.PurePosixPath
  • pathlib.PurePath


class NonEmptyWorkingTreeError (repo: git.repo.base.Repo)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class NonEmptyWorkingTreeError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, repo: git.Repo):
        top = "fatal: Non-empty working tree in freshly cloned repo at "
        top += f"'{repo.working_dir}'"

        msg = """
        The working tree in a fresh clone should always be empty, and so if it
        isn't, this means that some files were either errantly generated during
        the clone process, or were not committed when they should have been.
        This may indicate a bug in ki. Please report this on GitHub at
        details = "\nUntracked files:\n"
        for untracked in repo.untracked_files:
            details += f"  * {untracked}\n"
        details += "\nChanged files:\n"
        for item in repo.index.diff(None):
            details += f"  * {item.b_path}\n"


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class NotKiRepoError

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class NotKiRepoError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self):
        msg = "fatal: not a ki repository (or any parent up to mount point /)\n"
        msg += "Stopping at filesystem boundary."


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class NoteDBRow (nid: int, guid: str, mid: int, mod: int, usn: int, tags: str, flds: str, sfld: Union[str, int], csum: int, flags: int, data: str)

NoteDBRow(nid: int, guid: str, mid: int, mod: int, usn: int, tags: str, flds: str, sfld: Union[str, int], csum: int, flags: int, data: str)

Expand source code
class NoteDBRow:
    nid: int
    guid: str
    mid: int
    mod: int
    usn: int
    tags: str
    flds: str
    sfld: Union[str, int]
    csum: int
    flags: int
    data: str

Class variables

var csum : int
var data : str
var flags : int
var flds : str
var guid : str
var mid : int
var mod : int
var nid : int
var sfld : Union[str, int]
var tags : str
var usn : int
class NoteFieldKeyError (key: str, nid: int)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class NoteFieldKeyError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, key: str, nid: int):
        msg = f"""
        Expected field {key} not found in note '{nid}'. This should *never*
        happen, and indicates a serious failure, since we only ever index
        `anki.notes.Note` objects on names pulled from their own notetype


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class NoteFieldValidationWarning (nid: int, field: str, notetype: Notetype)

Base class for warning categories.

Expand source code
class NoteFieldValidationWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, nid: int, field: str, notetype: Notetype):
        top = f"Warning: Bad field '{field}' for notetype '{notetype}' in note '{nid}'"
        msg = "Try correcting the field name or changing the notetype."
        msg += f"The fields for the notetype '{notetype}' are:"
        fields: List[str] = [ for field in notetype.flds]
        listing: str = "  " + "\n  ".join(fields)


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class NoteMetadata (nid: int, mod: int, mid: int)

The nid, mod, and mid of a note.

Expand source code
class NoteMetadata:
    """The nid, mod, and mid of a note."""

    nid: int
    mod: int
    mid: int

Class variables

var mid : int
var mod : int
var nid : int
class Notetype (id: int, name: str, type: int, flds: list[Field], tmpls: list[Template], sortf: Field, dict: dict[str, typing.Any])

A typechecked version of anki.models.NotetypeDict for use within ki.

Expand source code
class Notetype:
    """A typechecked version of `anki.models.NotetypeDict` for use within ki."""

    # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    id: int
    name: str
    type: int
    flds: List[Field]
    tmpls: List[Template]
    sortf: Field

    # A copy of the `NotetypeDict` object as it was returned from the Anki
    # database. We keep this around to preserve extra keys that may not always
    # exist, but the ones above should be required for Anki to function.
    dict: Dict[str, Any]

Class variables

var dict : dict[str, typing.Any]
var flds : list[Field]
var id : int
var name : str
var sortfField
var tmpls : list[Template]
var type : int
class NotetypeCollisionWarning (model: Notetype, existing: Notetype)

Base class for warning categories.

Expand source code
class NotetypeCollisionWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, model: Notetype, existing: Notetype):
        msg = """
        Collision: new notetype '{}' has same name as existing
        notetype with mid '{}', but hashes differ.


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class NotetypeKeyError (key: str, name: str)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class NotetypeKeyError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, key: str, name: str):
        msg = f"""
        Expected key {key} not found in notetype '{name}' parsed from a
        '{MODELS_FILE}' file in the current repository (may be contained in a


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class NotetypeMismatchError (decknote: DeckNote, new_notetype: Notetype)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class NotetypeMismatchError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, decknote: DeckNote, new_notetype: Notetype):
        msg = f"Notetype '{decknote.model}' "
        msg += f"specified in DeckNote with GUID '{decknote.guid}' "
        msg += f"does not match passed notetype '{new_notetype}'. "
        msg += "This should NEVER happen, "
        msg += "and indicates a bug in the caller to 'update_note()'."


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Patch (a: pathlib.Path, b: pathlib.Path, diff: whatthepatch.patch.diff)

Relative paths and a Diff object.

Expand source code
class Patch:
    """Relative paths and a Diff object."""

    a: Path
    b: Path
    diff: whatthepatch.patch.diffobj

Class variables

var a : pathlib.Path
var b : pathlib.Path
var diff : whatthepatch.patch.diff

A not-yet-created symlink path and its extant target.

Expand source code
class PlannedLink:
    """A not-yet-created symlink path and its extant target."""

    link: NoFile
    tgt: Union[File, Link]

Class variables

var tgt : Union[FileLink]
class PseudoFile (*args, **kwargs)

UNSAFE: Indicates that path was extant but weird (e.g. a device or socket) when it was resolved.

Expand source code
class PseudoFile(type(Path())):
    UNSAFE: Indicates that path was extant but weird (e.g. a device or socket)
    when it was resolved.


  • pathlib.PosixPath
  • pathlib.Path
  • pathlib.PurePosixPath
  • pathlib.PurePath
class PushResult (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Enum for push() return codes.

Expand source code
class PushResult(Enum):
    """Enum for `push()` return codes."""



  • enum.Enum

Class variables

class RenamedMediaFileWarning (src: str, dst: str)

Base class for warning categories.

Expand source code
class RenamedMediaFileWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, src: str, dst: str):
        top = f"Media file '{src}' renamed to '{dst}'"
        msg = """
        This happens when we push a media file to a collection that already
        contains another media file with the same name. In this case, Anki does
        some deduplication by renaming the new one.


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Rev (repo: git.repo.base.Repo, sha: str)

UNSAFE: A repo-commit pair, where sha is guaranteed to be an extant commit hash of repo.

Expand source code
class Rev:
    UNSAFE: A repo-commit pair, where `sha` is guaranteed to be an extant
    commit hash of `repo`.

    repo: git.Repo
    sha: str

Class variables

var repo : git.repo.base.Repo
var sha : str
class Root (did: int, node: anki.decks_pb2.DeckTreeNode, deckd: None, mediad: None, children: list[Deck], fullname: str)

Root(did: int, node: anki.decks_pb2.DeckTreeNode, deckd: None, mediad: None, children: list[ki.types.Deck], fullname: str)

Expand source code
class Root:
    did: DeckId
    node: DeckTreeNode
    deckd: None
    mediad: None
    children: List[Deck]
    fullname: str

Class variables

var children : list[Deck]
var deckd : None
var did : int
var fullname : str
var mediad : None
var node : anki.decks_pb2.DeckTreeNode
class SQLiteLockError (col_file: File, err: sqlite3.DatabaseError)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class SQLiteLockError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, col_file: File, err: sqlite3.DatabaseError):
        if str(err) == DATABASE_LOCKED_MSG:
            header = f"fatal: {DATABASE_LOCKED_MSG} (Anki must not be running)."
        header = "Unexpected SQLite3 error while attempting to acquire lock on file: "
        header += f"'{col_file}':"
        msg = f"""
        A 'sqlite3.DatabaseError' was raised with error message: '{str(err)}'.
        This may indicate that either the database file at the location
        specified above is corrupted, or the config file at '.ki/config' is
        pointing to the wrong location. (The latter may occur in the unlikely
        event that the collection file in the Anki data directory has been
        accidentally overwritten.)


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Singleton (*args, **kwargs)

UNSAFE: A path consisting of a single component (e.g. file, not dir/file).

Expand source code
class Singleton(type(Path())):
    """UNSAFE: A path consisting of a single component (e.g. `file`, not `dir/file`)."""


  • pathlib.PosixPath
  • pathlib.Path
  • pathlib.PurePosixPath
  • pathlib.PurePath
class StrangeExtantPathError (path: pathlib.Path, info: str = '')

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class StrangeExtantPathError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, path: Path, info: str = ""):
        msg = "A normal file or directory was expected, but got a weird pseudofile "
        msg += "(e.g. a socket, or a device): "
        msg += f"'{path}'{info.rstrip()}"


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Submodule (sm: git.objects.submodule.base.Submodule, sm_repo: git.repo.base.Repo, rel_root: pathlib.Path, branch: str)

Submodule(sm: git.objects.submodule.base.Submodule, sm_repo: git.repo.base.Repo, rel_root: pathlib.Path, branch: str)

Expand source code
class Submodule:
    sm: git.Submodule
    sm_repo: git.Repo
    rel_root: Path
    branch: str

Class variables

var branch : str
var rel_root : pathlib.Path
var sm : git.objects.submodule.base.Submodule
var sm_repo : git.repo.base.Repo
class TargetExistsError (target: pathlib.Path)

Unspecified run-time error.

Expand source code
class TargetExistsError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, target: Path):
        msg = f"fatal: destination path '{target}' already exists and is "
        msg += "not an empty directory."


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Template (name: str, qfmt: str, afmt: str, ord: Optional[int])

A typechecked version of anki.models.TemplateDict for use within ki.

Expand source code
class Template:
    """A typechecked version of `anki.models.TemplateDict` for use within ki."""

    name: str
    qfmt: str
    afmt: str
    ord: Optional[int]

Class variables

var afmt : str
var name : str
var ord : Optional[int]
var qfmt : str
class UnhealthyNoteWarning (note: anki.notes.Note, health: int)

Base class for warning categories.

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class UnhealthyNoteWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, note: Note, health: int):
        top = f"Note with nid '{}' failed fields check with unknown error code"
        msg = f"""
        Anki fields health check code: '{health}'


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class UnnamedNotetypeError (nt: dict[str, typing.Any])

Unspecified run-time error.

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class UnnamedNotetypeError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, nt: NotetypeDict):
        msg = f"""
        Failed to find 'name' field for a notetype while parsing
        a '{MODELS_FILE}' file in the current repository (may be
        contained in a subdirectory):
        super().__init__(errwrap(msg) + "\n" + str(nt))


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class UpdatesRejectedError (col_file: File)

Unspecified run-time error.

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class UpdatesRejectedError(RuntimeError):
    def __init__(self, col_file: File):
        msg = f"Failed to push some commits to '{col_file}'\n{HINT}"


  • builtins.RuntimeError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class WrongFieldCountWarning (decknote: DeckNote, names: list[str])

Base class for warning categories.

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class WrongFieldCountWarning(Warning):
    def __init__(self, decknote: DeckNote, names: List[str]):
        top = f"Warning: Wrong number of fields for model '{decknote.model}'"
        msg = f"""
        The notetype '{decknote.model}' takes '{len(names)}' fields, but got
        '{len(decknote.fields.keys())}' for note with GUID '{decknote.guid}'.


  • builtins.Warning
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException