Module ki.functional
Type-safe, non Anki-specific functions.
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Type-safe, non Anki-specific functions."""
# pylint: disable=import-self, too-many-return-statements
# pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
import os
import re
import sys
import shutil
import hashlib
import tempfile
import functools
import subprocess
import unicodedata
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import chain
from functools import reduce, partial, update_wrapper, wraps
import git
from tqdm import tqdm
from colorama import Fore, Style
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.typing import (
import ki.functional as F
from ki.types import (
_has_type_hint_support = sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 5)
T = TypeVar("T")
UTF8 = "UTF-8"
GIT = ".git"
GITMODULES_FILE = ".gitmodules"
PIPE = subprocess.PIPE
STDOUT = subprocess.STDOUT
BRANCH_NAME = "main"
# Emoji regex character classes.
EMOJIS = "\U0001F600-\U0001F64F"
PICTOGRAPHS = "\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF"
TRANSPORTS = "\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF"
FLAGS = "\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF"
# Regex to filter out bad stuff from filenames.
SLUG_REGEX = re.compile(r"[^\w\s\-" + EMOJIS + PICTOGRAPHS + TRANSPORTS + FLAGS + "]")
def curried(func: Callable[[Any, ...], T]) -> Callable[[Any, ...], T]:
"""A decorator that makes the function curried
Usage example:
>>> @curried
... def sum5(a, b, c, d, e):
... return a + b + c + d + e
>>> sum5(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
>>> sum5(1, 2, 3)(4, 5)
def _args_len(func):
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
good = True
from inspect import signature
except TypeError:
good = False
if good and _has_type_hint_support:
from inspect import signature
args = signature(func).parameters
from inspect import getfullargspec
args = getfullargspec(func).args
return len(args)
def _curried(*args, **kwargs):
f = func
count = 0
while isinstance(f, partial):
if f.args:
count += len(f.args)
f = f.func
if count == _args_len(f) - len(args):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
para_func = partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
if hasattr(f, "__name__"):
update_wrapper(para_func, f)
return curried(para_func)
def _curried_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
return partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
if func.__name__ == "<lambda>":
return _curried_lambda
return _curried
def rmtree(target: Dir) -> NoFile:
"""Equivalent to `shutil.rmtree()`."""
return NoFile(target)
def copytree(source: Dir, target: NoFile) -> Dir:
"""Call shutil.copytree()."""
shutil.copytree(source, target, symlinks=True)
return Dir(target.resolve())
def movetree(source: Dir, target: NoFile) -> Dir:
"""Call shutil.move()."""
shutil.move(source, target)
return Dir(target.resolve())
def cwd() -> Dir:
"""Call Path.cwd()."""
return Dir(Path.cwd().resolve())
def is_root(path: Union[File, Dir]) -> bool:
"""Check if 'path' is a root directory (e.g., '/' on Unix or 'C:\' on Windows)."""
# Links and `~`s are resolved before checking.
path = path.resolve()
return len(path.parents) == 0
def shallow_walk(
directory: Dir,
) -> Tuple[Dir, List[Dir], List[File]]:
"""Walk only the top-level directory with `os.walk()`."""
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
root, dirs, files = next(os.walk(directory))
root = Dir(root)
dirs = [Dir(root / d) for d in dirs]
# TODO: Treat symlinks.
files = [File(root / f) for f in files]
return root, dirs, files
def walk(
directory: Dir,
) -> FrozenSet[Union[File, PseudoFile, Link, NoFile]]:
"""Get all file-like leaves in a directory, recursively."""
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
leaves = frozenset()
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
root = Dir(root)
leaves |= frozenset({F.chk(root / f) for f in files})
return leaves
# TODO: Remove `resolve: bool` parameter, and test symlinks before resolving.
def chk(
path: Path,
resolve: bool = True,
) -> Union[File, Dir, EmptyDir, PseudoFile, NoPath, NoFile, Link]:
"""Test whether `path` is a file, a directory, or something else."""
if resolve:
path = path.resolve()
if path.is_file():
return File(path)
if path.is_dir():
if is_empty(Dir(path)):
return EmptyDir(path)
return Dir(path)
if path.exists():
return PseudoFile(path)
if os.path.islink(path):
return Link(path)
if path.parent.is_dir():
return NoFile(path)
return NoPath(path)
def touch(directory: Dir, name: str) -> File:
"""Touch a file."""
path = directory / singleton(name)
return File(path.resolve())
def write(path: Union[File, NoFile], text: str) -> File:
"""Write text to a file."""
with open(path, "w+", encoding="UTF-8") as f:
return File(path)
def writeb(path: Union[File, NoFile], bs: bytes) -> File:
"""Write text to a file."""
with open(path, "wb") as f:
return File(path)
def symlink(path: NoFile, target: Path) -> Link:
"""Link `path` to `target`."""
os.symlink(target, path)
return Link(path)
def mksubdir(directory: EmptyDir, suffix: Path) -> EmptyDir:
Make a subdirectory of an empty directory (with parents).
The created subdirectory.
subdir = directory / suffix
directory.__class__ = Dir
return EmptyDir(subdir.resolve())
def force_mkdir(path: Path) -> Dir:
"""Make a directory (with parents, ok if it already exists)."""
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return Dir(path.resolve())
def chdir(directory: Dir) -> Dir:
"""Changes working directory and returns old cwd."""
old: Dir = F.cwd()
return old
def parent(path: Union[File, Dir]) -> Dir:
Get the parent of a path that exists. If the path points to the filesystem
root, we return itself.
if is_root(path):
return Dir(path.resolve())
return Dir(path.parent)
def mkdtemp() -> EmptyDir:
"""Make a temporary directory (in /tmp)."""
return EmptyDir(tempfile.mkdtemp()).resolve()
def copyfile(source: File, target: Union[File, NoFile]) -> File:
"""Safely copy a file to a valid location."""
shutil.copyfile(source, target)
return File(target.resolve())
def rglob(d: Dir, pattern: str) -> List[File]:
"""Call d.rglob() and returns only files."""
files = filter(lambda p: isinstance(p, File), map(F.chk, d.rglob(pattern)))
return list(files)
def is_empty(directory: Dir) -> bool:
"""Check if directory is empty, quickly."""
return not next(os.scandir(directory), None)
def root(repo: git.Repo) -> Dir:
"""Get working directory of a repo."""
return Dir(repo.working_dir).resolve()
def gitd(repo: git.Repo) -> Dir:
"""Get git directory of a repo."""
return Dir(repo.git_dir).resolve()
def singleton(name: str) -> Singleton:
"""Removes all forward slashes and returns a Singleton pathlib.Path."""
return Singleton(name.replace("/", ""))
def md5(path: File) -> str:
"""Compute md5sum of file at `path`."""
hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
with open(path, "rb") as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
return hash_md5.hexdigest()
def rev_exists(repo: git.Repo, rev: str) -> bool:
"""Check if git commit reference exists in repository."""
repo.git.rev_parse("--verify", rev)
except git.GitCommandError:
return False
return True
def get_batches(lst: List[File], n: int) -> Generator[File, None, None]:
"""Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst."""
for i in range(0, len(lst), n):
yield lst[i : i + n]
def slugify(value: str) -> str:
Taken from [1]. Convert spaces or repeated dashes to single dashes. Remove
characters that aren't alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens. Convert to
lowercase. Also strip leading and trailing whitespace, dashes, and
value = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", value)
value = re.sub(SLUG_REGEX, "", value.lower())
return re.sub(r"[-\s]+", "-", value).strip("-_")
def ki_rev_to_rev(ki_rev: KiRev) -> Rev:
"""Convert a ki repository commit rev to a git repository commit rev."""
return Rev(ki_rev.kirepo.repo, ki_rev.sha)
def mkdir(path: NoPath) -> EmptyDir:
"""Make a directory (with parents)."""
return EmptyDir(path)
def unlink(file: Union[File, Link]) -> NoFile:
"""Safely unlink a file."""
return NoFile(file)
def rmsm(repo: git.Repo, sm: git.Submodule) -> git.Commit:
"""Remove a git submodule."""
# Remove the submodule root and delete its .git directory.
sm_root = Path(sm.module().working_tree_dir)
repo.git.rm(sm_root, cached=True)
dotgit = F.chk(sm_root / GIT)
if isinstance(dotgit, Dir):
# Directory `sm_root` should still exist after `git.rm()` call.
return repo.index.commit(f"Add submodule `{}` as ordinary directory.")
def unsubmodule(repo: git.Repo) -> git.Repo:
Un-submodule all the git submodules (converts them to ordinary subdirs and
destroys commit history). Commit the changes to the main repository.
_: List[git.Commit] = list(map(F.rmsm(repo), repo.submodules))
gitmodules_file: Path = F.root(repo) / GITMODULES_FILE
if gitmodules_file.exists():
_ = repo.index.commit("Remove `.gitmodules` file.")
return repo
def init(targetdir: Dir) -> Tuple[git.Repo, str]:
"""Run `git init`, returning the repo and initial branch name."""
branch = BRANCH_NAME
repo = git.Repo.init(targetdir, initial_branch=BRANCH_NAME)
except git.GitCommandError:
branch = "master"
repo = git.Repo.init(targetdir)
return repo, branch
def isfile(p: Path) -> bool:
"""Check if `p` is a File."""
return isinstance(p, File)
def cat(xs: Iterable[Iterable[T]]) -> Iterable[T]:
"""Concatenate some iterables."""
return chain.from_iterable(xs)
def commitall(repo: git.Repo, msg: str) -> git.Commit:
"""Commit all contents of a git repository."""
return repo.index.commit(msg)
def git_rm(repo: git.Repo, path: str) -> str:
"""Remove a path in a repo."""
return path
def yellow(s: str) -> None:
"""Print a message to the console in yellow."""
def red(s: str) -> None:
"""Print a message to the console in red."""
def progressbar(xs: Iterable[T], s: str) -> Iterable[T]:
"""Print a progress bar for an iterable."""
ys: Iterable[T] = tqdm(xs, ncols=80)
return ys
def starfilter(
f: Callable[[Any, ...], bool], xs: Iterable[Tuple[Any, ...]]
) -> Iterable[Tuple[Any, ...]]:
"""Filter an iterable, automatically unpacking tuple arguments."""
return filter(lambda x: f(*x), xs)
def part(p: Callable[[T], bool], xs: Iterable[T]) -> Tuple[Iterable[T], Iterable[T]]:
"""Partition a list on a boolean predicate (Trues, Falses)."""
return reduce(lambda s, x: s[not p(x)].append(x) or s, xs, ([], []))
def cat(xs:[[~T]]) ‑>[~T]
Concatenate some iterables.
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@beartype def cat(xs: Iterable[Iterable[T]]) -> Iterable[T]: """Concatenate some iterables.""" return chain.from_iterable(xs)
def chdir(directory: Dir) ‑> Dir
Changes working directory and returns old cwd.
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@beartype def chdir(directory: Dir) -> Dir: """Changes working directory and returns old cwd.""" old: Dir = F.cwd() os.chdir(directory) return old
def chk(path: pathlib.Path, resolve: bool = True) ‑> Union[File, Dir, EmptyDir, PseudoFile, NoPath, NoFile, Link]
Test whether
is a file, a directory, or something else.Expand source code
@beartype def chk( path: Path, resolve: bool = True, ) -> Union[File, Dir, EmptyDir, PseudoFile, NoPath, NoFile, Link]: """Test whether `path` is a file, a directory, or something else.""" if resolve: path = path.resolve() if path.is_file(): return File(path) if path.is_dir(): if is_empty(Dir(path)): return EmptyDir(path) return Dir(path) if path.exists(): return PseudoFile(path) if os.path.islink(path): return Link(path) if path.parent.is_dir(): return NoFile(path) return NoPath(path)
def commitall(repo: git.repo.base.Repo, msg: str) ‑> git.objects.commit.Commit
Commit all contents of a git repository.
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@beartype def commitall(repo: git.Repo, msg: str) -> git.Commit: """Commit all contents of a git repository.""" repo.git.add(all=True) return repo.index.commit(msg)
def copyfile(source: File, target: Union[File, NoFile]) ‑> File
Safely copy a file to a valid location.
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@beartype def copyfile(source: File, target: Union[File, NoFile]) -> File: """Safely copy a file to a valid location.""" shutil.copyfile(source, target) return File(target.resolve())
def copytree(source: Dir, target: NoFile) ‑> Dir
Call shutil.copytree().
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@beartype def copytree(source: Dir, target: NoFile) -> Dir: """Call shutil.copytree().""" shutil.copytree(source, target, symlinks=True) return Dir(target.resolve())
def curried(func:[[typing.Any, ...], ~T]) ‑>[[typing.Any, ...], ~T]
A decorator that makes the function curried
Usage example:
>>> @curried ... def sum5(a, b, c, d, e): ... return a + b + c + d + e ... >>> sum5(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 15 >>> sum5(1, 2, 3)(4, 5) 15
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@beartype def curried(func: Callable[[Any, ...], T]) -> Callable[[Any, ...], T]: """A decorator that makes the function curried Usage example: >>> @curried ... def sum5(a, b, c, d, e): ... return a + b + c + d + e ... >>> sum5(1)(2)(3)(4)(5) 15 >>> sum5(1, 2, 3)(4, 5) 15 """ def _args_len(func): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel good = True try: from inspect import signature signature(func) except TypeError: good = False if good and _has_type_hint_support: from inspect import signature args = signature(func).parameters else: from inspect import getfullargspec args = getfullargspec(func).args return len(args) @wraps(func) def _curried(*args, **kwargs): f = func count = 0 while isinstance(f, partial): if f.args: count += len(f.args) f = f.func if count == _args_len(f) - len(args): return func(*args, **kwargs) para_func = partial(func, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(f, "__name__"): update_wrapper(para_func, f) return curried(para_func) def _curried_lambda(*args, **kwargs): return partial(func, *args, **kwargs) if func.__name__ == "<lambda>": return _curried_lambda return _curried
def cwd() ‑> Dir
Call Path.cwd().
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@beartype def cwd() -> Dir: """Call Path.cwd().""" return Dir(Path.cwd().resolve())
def force_mkdir(path: pathlib.Path) ‑> Dir
Make a directory (with parents, ok if it already exists).
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@beartype def force_mkdir(path: Path) -> Dir: """Make a directory (with parents, ok if it already exists).""" path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return Dir(path.resolve())
def get_batches(lst: list[File], n: int) ‑>[File, None, None]
Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.
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@beartype def get_batches(lst: List[File], n: int) -> Generator[File, None, None]: """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.""" for i in range(0, len(lst), n): yield lst[i : i + n]
def git_rm(repo: git.repo.base.Repo, path: str) ‑> str
Remove a path in a repo.
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@curried @beartype def git_rm(repo: git.Repo, path: str) -> str: """Remove a path in a repo.""" repo.git.rm(path) return path
def gitd(repo: git.repo.base.Repo) ‑> Dir
Get git directory of a repo.
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@beartype def gitd(repo: git.Repo) -> Dir: """Get git directory of a repo.""" return Dir(repo.git_dir).resolve()
def init(targetdir: Dir) ‑> tuple[git.repo.base.Repo, str]
git init()
, returning the repo and initial branch name.Expand source code
@beartype def init(targetdir: Dir) -> Tuple[git.Repo, str]: """Run `git init`, returning the repo and initial branch name.""" branch = BRANCH_NAME try: repo = git.Repo.init(targetdir, initial_branch=BRANCH_NAME) except git.GitCommandError: branch = "master" repo = git.Repo.init(targetdir) return repo, branch
def is_empty(directory: Dir) ‑> bool
Check if directory is empty, quickly.
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@beartype def is_empty(directory: Dir) -> bool: """Check if directory is empty, quickly.""" return not next(os.scandir(directory), None)
def is_root(path: Union[File, Dir]) ‑> bool
Check if 'path' is a root directory (e.g., '/' on Unix or 'C:' on Windows).
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@beartype def is_root(path: Union[File, Dir]) -> bool: """Check if 'path' is a root directory (e.g., '/' on Unix or 'C:\' on Windows).""" # Links and `~`s are resolved before checking. path = path.resolve() return len(path.parents) == 0
def isfile(p: pathlib.Path) ‑> bool
Check if
is a File.Expand source code
@beartype def isfile(p: Path) -> bool: """Check if `p` is a File.""" return isinstance(p, File)
def ki_rev_to_rev(ki_rev: KiRev) ‑> Rev
Convert a ki repository commit rev to a git repository commit rev.
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@beartype def ki_rev_to_rev(ki_rev: KiRev) -> Rev: """Convert a ki repository commit rev to a git repository commit rev.""" return Rev(ki_rev.kirepo.repo, ki_rev.sha)
def md5(path: File) ‑> str
Compute md5sum of file at
.Expand source code
@beartype def md5(path: File) -> str: """Compute md5sum of file at `path`.""" hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(path, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest()
def mkdir(path: NoPath) ‑> EmptyDir
Make a directory (with parents).
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@beartype def mkdir(path: NoPath) -> EmptyDir: """Make a directory (with parents).""" path.mkdir(parents=True) return EmptyDir(path)
def mkdtemp() ‑> EmptyDir
Make a temporary directory (in /tmp).
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@beartype def mkdtemp() -> EmptyDir: """Make a temporary directory (in /tmp).""" return EmptyDir(tempfile.mkdtemp()).resolve()
def mksubdir(directory: EmptyDir, suffix: pathlib.Path) ‑> EmptyDir
Make a subdirectory of an empty directory (with parents).
- The created subdirectory.
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@beartype def mksubdir(directory: EmptyDir, suffix: Path) -> EmptyDir: """ Make a subdirectory of an empty directory (with parents). Returns ------- EmptyDir The created subdirectory. """ subdir = directory / suffix subdir.mkdir(parents=True) directory.__class__ = Dir return EmptyDir(subdir.resolve())
def movetree(source: Dir, target: NoFile) ‑> Dir
Call shutil.move().
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@beartype def movetree(source: Dir, target: NoFile) -> Dir: """Call shutil.move().""" shutil.move(source, target) return Dir(target.resolve())
def parent(path: Union[File, Dir]) ‑> Dir
Get the parent of a path that exists. If the path points to the filesystem root, we return itself.
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@beartype def parent(path: Union[File, Dir]) -> Dir: """ Get the parent of a path that exists. If the path points to the filesystem root, we return itself. """ if is_root(path): return Dir(path.resolve()) return Dir(path.parent)
def part(p:[[~T], bool], xs:[~T]) ‑> tuple[[~T],[~T]]
Partition a list on a boolean predicate (Trues, Falses).
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@beartype def part(p: Callable[[T], bool], xs: Iterable[T]) -> Tuple[Iterable[T], Iterable[T]]: """Partition a list on a boolean predicate (Trues, Falses).""" return reduce(lambda s, x: s[not p(x)].append(x) or s, xs, ([], []))
def progressbar(xs:[~T], s: str) ‑>[~T]
Print a progress bar for an iterable.
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@beartype def progressbar(xs: Iterable[T], s: str) -> Iterable[T]: """Print a progress bar for an iterable.""" ys: Iterable[T] = tqdm(xs, ncols=80) ys.set_description(s) return ys
def red(s: str) ‑> None
Print a message to the console in red.
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@beartype def red(s: str) -> None: """Print a message to the console in red.""" print(f"{Fore.RED}{s}{Style.RESET_ALL}")
def rev_exists(repo: git.repo.base.Repo, rev: str) ‑> bool
Check if git commit reference exists in repository.
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@beartype def rev_exists(repo: git.Repo, rev: str) -> bool: """Check if git commit reference exists in repository.""" try: repo.git.rev_parse("--verify", rev) except git.GitCommandError: return False return True
def rglob(d: Dir, pattern: str) ‑> list[File]
Call d.rglob() and returns only files.
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@beartype def rglob(d: Dir, pattern: str) -> List[File]: """Call d.rglob() and returns only files.""" files = filter(lambda p: isinstance(p, File), map(F.chk, d.rglob(pattern))) return list(files)
def rmsm(repo: git.repo.base.Repo, sm: git.objects.submodule.base.Submodule) ‑> git.objects.commit.Commit
Remove a git submodule.
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@curried @beartype def rmsm(repo: git.Repo, sm: git.Submodule) -> git.Commit: """Remove a git submodule.""" # Remove the submodule root and delete its .git directory. sm_root = Path(sm.module().working_tree_dir) repo.git.rm(sm_root, cached=True) dotgit = F.chk(sm_root / GIT) if isinstance(dotgit, Dir): F.rmtree(dotgit) else: dotgit.unlink(missing_ok=True) # Directory `sm_root` should still exist after `git.rm()` call. repo.git.add(sm_root) return repo.index.commit(f"Add submodule `{}` as ordinary directory.")
def rmtree(target: Dir) ‑> NoFile
Equivalent to
.Expand source code
@beartype def rmtree(target: Dir) -> NoFile: """Equivalent to `shutil.rmtree()`.""" shutil.rmtree(target) return NoFile(target)
def root(repo: git.repo.base.Repo) ‑> Dir
Get working directory of a repo.
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@beartype def root(repo: git.Repo) -> Dir: """Get working directory of a repo.""" return Dir(repo.working_dir).resolve()
def shallow_walk(directory: Dir) ‑> tuple[Dir, list[Dir], list[File]]
Walk only the top-level directory with
.Expand source code
@functools.cache @beartype def shallow_walk( directory: Dir, ) -> Tuple[Dir, List[Dir], List[File]]: """Walk only the top-level directory with `os.walk()`.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name root, dirs, files = next(os.walk(directory)) root = Dir(root) dirs = [Dir(root / d) for d in dirs] # TODO: Treat symlinks. files = [File(root / f) for f in files] return root, dirs, files
def singleton(name: str) ‑> Singleton
Removes all forward slashes and returns a Singleton pathlib.Path.
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@beartype def singleton(name: str) -> Singleton: """Removes all forward slashes and returns a Singleton pathlib.Path.""" return Singleton(name.replace("/", ""))
def slugify(value: str) ‑> str
Taken from [1]. Convert spaces or repeated dashes to single dashes. Remove characters that aren't alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens. Convert to lowercase. Also strip leading and trailing whitespace, dashes, and underscores.
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@beartype def slugify(value: str) -> str: """ Taken from [1]. Convert spaces or repeated dashes to single dashes. Remove characters that aren't alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens. Convert to lowercase. Also strip leading and trailing whitespace, dashes, and underscores. [1] """ value = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", value) value = re.sub(SLUG_REGEX, "", value.lower()) return re.sub(r"[-\s]+", "-", value).strip("-_")
def starfilter(f:[[typing.Any, ...], bool], xs:[tuple[typing.Any, ...]]) ‑>[tuple[typing.Any, ...]]
Filter an iterable, automatically unpacking tuple arguments.
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@beartype def starfilter( f: Callable[[Any, ...], bool], xs: Iterable[Tuple[Any, ...]] ) -> Iterable[Tuple[Any, ...]]: """Filter an iterable, automatically unpacking tuple arguments.""" return filter(lambda x: f(*x), xs)
def symlink(path: NoFile, target: pathlib.Path) ‑> Link
.Expand source code
@beartype def symlink(path: NoFile, target: Path) -> Link: """Link `path` to `target`.""" os.symlink(target, path) return Link(path)
def touch(directory: Dir, name: str) ‑> File
Touch a file.
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@beartype def touch(directory: Dir, name: str) -> File: """Touch a file.""" path = directory / singleton(name) path.touch() return File(path.resolve())
def unlink(file: Union[File, Link]) ‑> NoFile
Safely unlink a file.
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@beartype def unlink(file: Union[File, Link]) -> NoFile: """Safely unlink a file.""" os.unlink(file) return NoFile(file)
def unsubmodule(repo: git.repo.base.Repo) ‑> git.repo.base.Repo
Un-submodule all the git submodules (converts them to ordinary subdirs and destroys commit history). Commit the changes to the main repository.
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@beartype def unsubmodule(repo: git.Repo) -> git.Repo: """ Un-submodule all the git submodules (converts them to ordinary subdirs and destroys commit history). Commit the changes to the main repository. """ _: List[git.Commit] = list(map(F.rmsm(repo), repo.submodules)) gitmodules_file: Path = F.root(repo) / GITMODULES_FILE if gitmodules_file.exists(): repo.git.rm(gitmodules_file) _ = repo.index.commit("Remove `.gitmodules` file.") return repo
def walk(directory: Dir) ‑> frozenset[typing.Union[File, PseudoFile, Link, NoFile]]
Get all file-like leaves in a directory, recursively.
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@beartype def walk( directory: Dir, ) -> FrozenSet[Union[File, PseudoFile, Link, NoFile]]: """Get all file-like leaves in a directory, recursively.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name leaves = frozenset() for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): root = Dir(root) leaves |= frozenset({F.chk(root / f) for f in files}) return leaves
def write(path: Union[File, NoFile], text: str) ‑> File
Write text to a file.
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@beartype def write(path: Union[File, NoFile], text: str) -> File: """Write text to a file.""" with open(path, "w+", encoding="UTF-8") as f: f.write(text) return File(path)
def writeb(path: Union[File, NoFile], bs: bytes) ‑> File
Write text to a file.
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@beartype def writeb(path: Union[File, NoFile], bs: bytes) -> File: """Write text to a file.""" with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write(bs) return File(path)
def yellow(s: str) ‑> None
Print a message to the console in yellow.
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@beartype def yellow(s: str) -> None: """Print a message to the console in yellow.""" print(f"{Fore.YELLOW}{s}{Style.RESET_ALL}")